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As you have noticed, memberships have been increasing into our industry and peaking due the digital age.

Without question memberships can come with a responsibility to facilitate and monitor but there are many benefits to memberships that you may be missing out on if your business has not tapped into membership offering.

I am going to point out a few key points that I have NOT seen mentioned in blogs or mainstream as to why your salon & spa needs a membership program.

First we begin with my heart of hearts:

Your Team

Your service providers play a vital role in your business. It is important that your team is taken care of on all sides as much as you can professionally care for.. and contrary to the toxic boss mentality of this industry, that responsibility includes creating opportunities for potential clients to come into your place of business. Your team is an extension of your business. They are your hands, arms and legs that help you carry out the vision for your business. So support them so they can support you. Don't fall into the trap of service providers needing to walk the streets and bring in clients for your business. That is your responsibility. Theirs is to turn the customers you bring in into clients, to provide an excellent customer experience and to keep that coming back.

A well composed membership program will boost your company reputation and produce a team environment as team members who are servicing clients are less likely to quit or come in late. It will also reduce the time and energy spent on bad morale habits and behaviors.

Let's think about the likelihood and benefits of a membership member returning to that same service provider. Can you visualize the confidence, the paycheck and rapport that comes with that ???

Can you also visualize your payroll on budget as you will now have a better means of balancing your rate of production or occupancy ratio?


So there is one problem I have with the internet.. And it's also the same thing I like about it. The overflow of information!! Sometimes , a lot of times, doing what others are doing is not going to be the best thing for you to do. The same is true for building your memberships.

How amazing would it be if you were able to take a step back from google, YouTube, social media (but keep reading this blog.. Lol ) and reflected on what is in your hand, the people that came to know and trust you for you. They trust in your vision, and were drawn to your business for a reason.

Now, collectively look at what you have, what are your clients immediate needs, what problems do you see?

Remember that your clientele is drawn to you because you have the answer to their problem. What is that problem? What underlying problems are usually rooted with this problem? All of your services should solve your clients needs, but memberships create a lifestyle of resolution of that problem.

You know the answer but you have to take your eyes off of what others are doing to refocus , tap into your greatness and there you will find your solution. The solution to your clients problem and this is the basis of your membership offerings.

To the extent that you can identify and resolve an issue is also the measurement of the relevance of your membership. So what is the problem your clients are having? What resolution are you holding?

Reaching Your Business Goals, Finance & Beyond

Of course, we had to get to the money, right ? But here is the thing, When you first started your business, you probably said .. I'm going to make a million dollars. The next year you said ...ok.. I’ll take half a mill…. Then by the third year you settled with less than $5,000 a week. Listen, I am going to agree with you and say too much is given much is required. The demand to run a business, to be in 3 places at one time, grow your business AANNDD be a CEO of your personal life is REAL!

What is even more real is having a practical plan and strategy of how to physically reach your goals.

How many hours do you want to work?

How much money do you need to make?

How much do you desire to make?

How much of this can be on autopilot?

When your memberships are relevant to your target audience and priced correctly with the right amount of value, the idea of reaching your business goals becomes more of a reality. Now you can say, ok.. This year I am going to make a half of a million dollars and this is how. I have 10 employees who will work 35 hours each week and of each of those services will total a minimum of $2,500 each week in sales and $250 in retail. (( nugget)) . Approximately of xxx will be members with a total ticket of $XX.00.

Most people think about the discount they are extending. The truth is, if you are in that mindset then you’re already thinking about lack and will get more of it.

Think about the loyalty base you are growing, the client advocacy you are establishing, the market research you are learning to better serve.

Did you know that members are more likely to be upsold, try new services, buy products, attend events and provide excellent reviews for you?? The amount of money you “discounted” , count it as marketing dollars spent.

This mindset will help you to step into your vision, where you are now materializing success. Because that’s what you really want to do, right? Be successful, by your own standards. So in all, think of memberships as a stream of success, as memberships can provide you the consistency needed to improve your customer journey, create better offers and reach your overall business goals.

If you want to bask in all the benefits that memberships can offer, then click the button below to review our membership development service. Our done for you service offers business owners just like you the opportunity to elevate your customer experience and create predictable income for your business. Click the button below to learn more.


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